pühapäev, 16. veebruar 2014

The last

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I have almost been three months at home now. And I have understood that living with parents is quit easy. They may sometimes be really annoying but they are paying the bills, they are making food, you can ask help or advice every time when you need it.

Yes, I was that kind of young person who wanted to go discover the world after high-school or go to study  abroad but not anymore. The reason why I don't want to go study abroad  is actually really simple... There are lots of good schools in Estonia, studying in your mother language is much easier and you are closer  to your family and friends. :)

I don't regret that I went to Czech Republic. I learned a lot of necessary things, like how to live in a dormitory  (you must consider with other students who live there),  how to use money properly, how to travel alone (Bohemian Switzerland, Pec pod Šnezkou, Romania, Prague) and lots of things that are difficult to put into words. And of course I met a lot of awesome people in Czech Republic, Romania and on the way to Romania and back.

One of the best things that happened  turning the three months I spent in Czech Republic.
I grew up, it is difficult  to understand but I feel that I'm older now. And I think it is good thing, because I' m ready to live by my own.

One of the craziest things that happened turning the three months I spent in Czech Republic.
The craziest thing I made in that time was for sure that I went to Romania by bus (alone). There  were so many things that could have gone wrong. And to be honest then yes, I was afraid about this trip but  it turns out to be one of the best decisions I have made. :)

One of the things I regret.
I regret that I didn't start  traveling in Czech at the beginning from my  staying in Czech. But I was hopping on my host who promised me some trips turnning my stay in Czech Republic.

One of the things that surprised me most
The biggest surprise was that, at the end, I started to understood czech. 

My favorite places in Czech Republic.
There are actually three places I liked the most:
  1. Prague is really beautiful city. Every time I went there I felt really good. Those old houses, bridges, castles, churches.  Anyway, when you have a possibility to go to Prague, then go.

  2. Bohemian Switzerland is a powerful place, when you go there you feel how small and trifling you are next to the nature.

  3. And last but not least, Pec pod Sněžkou  is a grand place, when you go there then you look around yourself and you are probably amazed because of these mountains which are really amazing. :)

 Some advice to Czechs (especially for young peoples).
You have a beautiful country, you have lots of hiking trails. Go and hike! Believe me, it is worth of the time. ( I understand  that you want to hold your first place in drinking beer but  trust me, there isn't any other nation, who would be able to drink so much beer as you drink, so take the time to go hiking. :D :D :D ). 

And some safety advice. Please wear reflectors,  use seat belts and drive decently, thank you. :)

Like I said before then I don't regret going to Czech Republic, while  I learned a lot there.  I can't say that I won´t go abroad to practice or living in future.

The time I spent in Czech Republic was really good opportunity and time. 

Thank you for everyone who supported me. :)
Lots of Love,